Friday, June 20, 2008

Recipe Remix III

It's time for another round of Recipe Remix!!!!!!!!!

We’d like to thank everyone again who participated in rounds 1 and 2. It is thanks to all of you that we are able to come back for another round! The creativity we have seen keeps us going and hopefully has inspired readers and participants alike to be more creative in the kitchen.

The latest installment of Recipe Remix revolves around summertime!! Yes, we are talking about cookout favorites/staples! For us, cookouts are one of the best things about summer, nothing better than getting together with friends and family surrounded by yummy summer favorites!

We have chosen the following cookout/grilled foods for “remixing”:

- Hot Dogs
- Grilled pizza
- Grilled Desserts
- Hamburgers
- Pasta or Potato Salad
- Kabobs

As in past Recipe Remixes, we are giving you all an option of 6 different to choose from as you please. Your goal is to take one of these choices and create a variation of it that is not the “everyday.” For instance, maybe you have a great idea for a gourmet hot dog, or an asian inspired pasta salad, or a killer grilled pineapple dessert recipe. As you can see by the roundups from past Recipe Remixes - the possibilities in these categories are endless!

Once you have created your own version of the dish chosen from the above list (we ask that this is a new blog entry, and not one from the past), blog about it, linking back to this post and/or inserting one of the logos into your entry, and post a picture your dish on your blog as well - so we can see the awesome yum-factor of your dish of course! As always, if the dish is not your own creative work, please reference your source in your blog post.

After you have blogged about your creation, please send us an email with “Recipe Remix: (Dish you have chosen)” in the subject line and the following information in your email:

o Your name,
o Your location
o Your blog name and link to your blog,
o The permalink to your blog entry for this challenge,
o A picture of your creation,
o A short explanation for why you chose the dish and how you were inspired to create the variation of it that you did

If you do not have a blog, feel free to email us with the above information (sans blog permalink of course!). Recipe Remix starts today so get cooking!

The summer is a busy time for us all, especially myself and Dani, so for this round, we are extending this to be a full summer installment of Recipe Remix. So, in that vein, all entries are due by Wednesday, September 3rd. We will aim to post the roundup within 2 weeks of the deadline.

Since we are splitting the duty of Recipe Remix co-hosts (and hence are splitting the roundup duties), please email your submission via the below schedule:

If you have chosen any of the following dishes: Hamburgers, Pasta or Potato salad, or Kabobs please email Robin at: RecipeRemix-Robin at hotmail dot com.

If you have chosen any of the following dishes: Hot Dogs, Grilled Pizzas, or Grilled Desserts, please email Danielle at RecipeRemix-Dani at cox dot net.

We have been so impressed by all of the creativity we have seen so keep up the good work! Have a wonderful summer and Happy Remixing!!!

And of course, please feel free to use our logo when you post your blog entry!!


sefa firdaus said...

what is Kabobs?
is it the same like kabab or kebab in Middle East cuisine?


Robin said...

Basically anything cooked on a stick - in its most basic form - meat, veggies, etc. I didn't realize until I started looking tonight there were various spellings for them.

Unknown said...

Count me in..

What's Cookin Chicago said...

Just submitted 2 recipes! :)